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Pst Bridge Mac Crack Torrent

Microsoft has smartly designed MS Outlook and Outlook for Mac for managing Exchange Server accounts in Windows and macOS separately. But there is no manual method to convert OLM files to PST format and Kernel OLM to PST software becomes a bridge for it. You should use the software and convert multiple OLM files and use them in the Windows platform.

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0SOME "BIG SWINGS" !IN ROYAL AUCTIONPlay in implicate Mfttehei ntKnifkfrhorkcr Club showVariation.PABTLY DUE TO LUCKThe second (Meting for the duplicatemicttmi match at the KnickerbockerWllfcrt Oub rooms. Wt Fortiethtreat, was even more largely attendedChan the lrt and the manner in wlilhthe various hand were treated worather mote Instructive than usual. Ineem deals tlie bidding fn alone responsible for the difference In the scorcIn other It the play. Tn very fewWUa It both: hut In one or two It waspar luck, just a gue M to -h-ro ncard lay.For some reason or other rani playerre always Interested In big "swing"."In handa upon which on side scoresheavily a the neault of a aetata UlM of .ptw. while tin; opposing hands. playedt Another taihle. score almost as heavilyon their elde, owing t. different evs-teni of attack or un oki wnwi ai tr.ese iiiireretu'ean he reantlt were due entirely to theMy because the trump eult whs alwaysthe ame and the value of the tricks neverTied, there being no such thin aslitajora. In brl.lgc the hi swings areflllfly traceable to variations In thebidding;, and In nine cases out of ten toovert) kl. It tip the liand.Here, for Instance, is a classical example of optimism In declaring. Tt wasso. 2 on the M-eond ovening. and thedealer Ml a :21 XA 1 1 3 ai l J 9)3 9 4 8 210 9 7 40450 4 10 7 (0 10 4i 10 s r 8IV 1 ft 9 7 3 24X744There seem.s to have been a markeddifference of opinion a to the openinghid on JCs cards, bid the spadebecause it would be easier to go gamewith it, while others bid the diamond!he;auie there wore more of firm. ThecnpnWIM is a ttj.Ho of time. b-".iiise ,the partner takes It out With hearts B iwill have to deny that suit, and If It Istaken out with no trumps V, will limeehlft to spades.At one table. Z , wiUi the diamonds. A no s ml and Y warft two clubs. !being afraid of t'e apaalaa at no tramp,Wily he could nt trust his partner for ItWO tricks and bid a little slum 111 clubs ,and be done vlth it Is .1 mystery.B ovetvalled tlje two dubs with two ipwnea. If this Wd Is not a gem thewrltftr necr uw one. Dtamonda ieolared on one sues of him. clubs on theother, atsl a partner with nothing toaV and not a sinfflo sure trick in hiswn hand, 13 bids to win elgtat:Of curse 7. doubled, and althoughthat ahould have relieved Y"s mind as tothe spade suit be neither returned tothe olubs nor bid the no trnuiner, buteat tight und set It fcr BOO points. Allthat IS mode was three of his trump,Jiile 7. made all five of his. but eighteen honOMiWherever 7. stjrtsl with the gpada Ywent ik trumps, tlie original spade bidIn, auoh cases preventing 11 from doinganything' rash. if 004 rea Y mnde afraud elam and fort n S." rs-ilnts.That Is fifty-three more than otheri !tor setting the epade contract as theUnit on penalties in dtlpUuata Is 2b.Here ts a very pretty example of ticowings that ore poaajbte as a rwtiit of:tKi Play alone. 1; was Mo and southhad the deal,Q 8 2A k 3 10 95 io10 7 S7 27. itai Ith a tub, 1p.d indT mid no trump At several table, instead of ulttlnx Mill at.d boning to savethe pan, li bid two spade. . went t ithree clubs, cs he could not slop the Ispades, and at .one taVle, a iuppnrtl the IsPadeK without a flick !y li t bird battho queen ottfutppl. in the face of thissi'.ow of sfrtngtli Y dropped the t.trumpef and played lo save the gam.instead of trying tn mak five odd inclubs, which he .on: l t ot iiave done. .Tiie play b lings out several Instructivepoint in tgCtlc, the Hi .t of whlcb Is itbis: if a pcxl playev bids -n t andthen docs not lead i. the card he lendsis either ins partner's declared UU oiit is ft. Hlngleton.v ha tiot naiued any suit .,1,1 doeret ier..i the club, but the dlamot d. IfV reads it corre-tty he puts u the nee Iand returns the suit. II cover Willi 'be,illleen and trimtp. Now o t'-.i-s another point in the Influence of the balding .in the pig) -i niq no trutnn, utlt n Hat no atoppeiIP spader, lliararor h n.ustthing in tleart or clubs or 1some IV Elhas the "lubj htm- elf he trie the eightof hearts, and the play of the ac markha ltlM m l,!, 1! Vow V 1..-..1S- ' !of diamond. B cover and 7. ruff.-.Tiie only obano for another ruff i !hat Y has the king ..f clubs, which Ishlchtv nankmKIa hiAvlna ,-. I We e Itrumti declaration: so 7. lead, a small I.dub. This alio s y to 'lead the tone 1of diamonds, win,bj now t ne top, and35 gets a heart discard.It Is conventional among good players who lead sii.ut suit to piny it down,whether !n leading again. In followingeuit. or in discarding, Wiom t... .e nndaivi played th dauue tl player mustbe out of tne BUlt. ACtltlg,01l tli's inferYA BZtj U 9 54X485 A 3 9 79 37 4 3 P7"! J X J 10 ' !Oaf 4 2 A B 0i 5 26 i 2 Z J A X J 9 ;er.te, Y leads a heart and y. trutnM the '"' l ' "' ' pUvaU aeooud band by p, On the, with tin. i.ii.g. Than he put dummy InWat trick Of all Y mad the queen, Th'a i v-'! the diamond, intending to leadeta trie contract for S0, lexa 3 in hon-l two rounds of spades, Hoping they wouldrrs, net lit. drop. Had llilg Hue or' piny leu foi-rf cour, iu.d r known Uiay hadlo'd V would have mnde a Httle alain,loo"'' hand at no trUmt), as it tiai only 1 f the spade ine. ii Would have been thofour Winning ca&l,el spades. This j oniy trl Dk fur A and M.sho.s a small sain for B in bidding Wiethar for fear thai be might fadepsles ar.d being get, a a gams at no, to I'Jfge the spades or reaeoii, Ytrump would have been worth IV. to ! shifted bis u to the chilis, 7,. mg Ine Jack. Huddeill)' realising thatAt another table the oiijiinii bid wh' '-- :i" reentry, as dummy had nofie gam and V wag equally scared off uw' diamond, V overtook th J:kthe no tiiiuip by the spade bid, but 55 1 U'tth t;' Quean, which forced h in to g,'Kl not lend tha singleton. Two round.f clUb gHOWOd H tb ruff and as y (lidrot. unblock the clubs on the tit -t roundJ.t could not do It on the secondDummy Won the third round of ttumpsend ld a heart. U nne.itiK tln ten. AsV had dlauaniad a heart. IJ led the suitgejaln V led tha Jack of diamonds. Bov6rd and ld bagrt nguiti, mailingtwo rand sad four honors. As theyalready had 34 pultA at this table, thishand put thgm. game and shoved a gain..f TCP lfitgd of .. loaf of 154, ns again:;:lis) nirieto:. lead, Thti la typloaj orihjpucate. n ha nothing ahawver lodo Willi tlitt tiling. It Is all due to Z'erttiitng.Tm .. only one of ti many InstancesUU)4 go t prov duplicate can never.--n.r,n lurk. Ilr 1 a curtoue ez-Ample of it. The deal was No. 7 nd thedealer st Houtli :914 JHi10 I t99 7 2limni Q J 9ft io .; ft J 10 sK 7 t 2Bi t J!ft e i I10 14 1When 7, p,i.ed A bid two diamondsand y two hearts. Tlie bidding continued until A gut It up to five diamonds.At one table V unseed and 7. doubled.At a rather table V went on to five heartsand A doubled.Y tailed to make his five odd at heaitsbecause the ti'icsse of the rluh Jackfailed. A SUOCeoded in nuiklng the fivediamond because the finesse of the clubten heM.Hart Is a deal or which theie were allaorta of -ores trade. It was No. 4, thedealer sitt in vestZ 3 10 9 4 3 8c io a 2876291 I JA Q 8 C 6Oft 8 7tX J 10 7J 7 ift J 9O ft 44 10 4 35 4 3 20 A I 6 S(IIIAt on table 7. started with no trump.This Is pretty forward bidding, as hewill have to deny the hearts If hispartner bids that suit. A promptly bidtwo no tramps, and y let him have it.leading a iienM rive clubs and threehearts gavl A his oOntMOti but not theI game.I Tills locks easy, but there are IS", morepoints !n the hand, as A should have wonthe. game, lie should have foreseen thathe Wanted one more tt I k than ti.e elalitI sure that were I" sight, and led a spade.Now nothing can prevent Dim frommalting a spade or a diamond, no mutterhat hlg opponent do, This is u tryInstructive hand for the beginner,fl'mir.r.y had 10 ur.guard one of thesesuits on t'-.o fifth Club.Her-' ; a s o i eaample of the impartance of asking i partnei whether histakeout l from treaklntag or str, i.gth.Which Is a part of ta tics thai fewpbiyers understand, it wai N,andthe iiri'iet sal northt aC7 A 9Alt5 A X 8 4 210 0 C 67, bid no trump it I not abid. and the club is weal;go(j.ess le Iup to. a paaaad and bid two heart,which 1: passed, If this takeout I fristrength 7. can suppi rt It. but if itis from araakneaa Z oiilv three s'i;ctricks !:i his hand, and the clubs are Iwortblea if exposed ta .1 lead through.,At one table . I rct y called the 4UVones.X .K if V heir's a-c strop? en. ughto b sure ttl'l; winners lie will go ...c lito n trump.- If the- are ong enoughto stand it he wl go back to WfBeing neither, he ie: tie diamond stand :and I mada tare., .sld and simple honors, jThe club king was led up to and (TOO Ithe second trick. Ace and king of trump-1dropped the queen, ar. 1 dummy won the,t ilrd round with the kok, kl dialinga heart, r led the Jack Of apadea and B Ir.,,1 , ie . Mukwhich k ;Vmn ,"WhtU 7. the ten Of spades a put Ion the king ani forced Jt' las' trump Iwith a club, but IS bad to win thenext spade trbl; with the ejueen. BUdllout two l-.earts nnd " spade, as A bad Iplayed the nlbe .i the eight, iblnklng y.had the queen.If Y la left the heart contract Ihe is s. t for three tricks and simple jUqnor, 141 p ints, avtiktng a difference Iof 19 "ti tile death re is one af ibe most re.narkablaaxatnpiescatps to tn lossWt de:'.i'i play that evernota'e at auction,iter sitting north.q x j io 710 8 6 65f 3? 10 9aCy A 6 6 4J0 I 9A 8 6 f 4 aAt m labia 7. i. v..'. iii bat i'.i gltlmat spade ;;d . n tn Brat roundas he has neither lha top in ilutt ttl(nor .r.iug'i oulald o llll up the holesIt wlB he time er qgh to bid spadeson the oni round.A pass-d and V :.t no Lump. WlieB pnased 7. to ikTht leaves T un I, two spado. ImlaappreliaMnnn Ia I 1 'he nature of Z's ho..d. suit, so h"ies back : two r tfUmp. taking ach.t'V'e f'li t',ie 'i.'.irts,Ti.e fiudent ahould m.nk the d merer IsHwaea thh gltuatlon and titoe..r n'blcb N" '. I typical. In No. r.i...... ,. ..''" iieurt bad bad no pretlou"Diq ana . ie e - no way 10 ''ai wnotiierhlg ueart are strong or only long.IU 1 !' ' I'ol, .No. - '. f. "as alien. IVpnd without n bid, so tbat there is! HUetlon Ill til condll ol hi":'''"' M1" : !l lon "'" "'" '"""'Tiler '- tlWtOf(ll no ...,. . foe Vto uOll III olubs, withview to aaklng...ut the spades, aa Y is already i:ipoeaaton of that Infoitnatlon.The stttiai kablfl thing atptatt this bandis th phi; iii one taba, it is a grandtool al no trump fof V, ye; be a. ad.:only two odd.d the l. ion. .ml und dummy he'dI th trlok with Hi nitie. v apparentlystalled to pht :...- tho spadf suit, as bvi igbt along 'ith t'ae fourth round, hulug to rejenter with the dltunoiidg, but Aled a heart and n got h. a-ith th.. apadqueen and A made three hearts.Tills i a elaatieal sainpl of playingfur the Wrong suit. Oil winning thellrst trick wlrn dummy' pin of diamonds V should have made the queenno as lo be out of his own way. Tlionext 'rick Is won by the lack of clubs.Now the small epjd.. puts y in iu makeall bis clubs and two top diamonds. put. dummy In to make the. twoaces, grand slain.V made 30 and 4U on this band. Itw-. worth 10, 40. 1 00 and US ir ooiraetly played. This I I swing of 37'.p.. iota, due entirely to the player himself, apart from any bids or lead madby tb opponent.yA B2YA BZ0 0 6 4 3hi aA J 7 4J 7, C7 I I v' aA J 9 6 6 L B dbft 10 3A v a s I 7 AAft414 K Q 9 7 4A I 8 2XY f il 2A. 13 7 2A B 0 J 10 6PROBLEMS FOR "SUN"READERS TO SOLVEI ual Trap in No. 352. by R.Ci MaUikowakl, Catches Manyof the Cracks.HONOR LINT OF EXPERTSBridge problem No. 353, bv It. C.Mankowski. was rtlculated to give someof the crack another Jolt, as It had theusual peculiarly Mankowsklan trap In It.neatly placed at a point where the attention of the solver usually begins totaper off. Here is the distribution :0i 100QThere are no trumps aid Is in thelead. T and Z want only four tricks,but against any defence.As usual with this composer's rroblems the defences to the false openingsare the most Interesting nart. the BOrs Ired solution being confined to the Judl9Q 3 I51 U ItA 0 32 I fillOA 6 4'cious selection of the proper discards ; spades , no heaitf.and how to meet them. In this rtepait- has the nine five four of trulUpa 1ment of problem construction Mr. Man-; J;" "n six flve of spades; no redcard1'.kowskl is always at hia beat. huH lh(, Jlt,.k ))f hMrts. . Quaen7. leads the ace of hearts, both A and seven of tfumbai ai'e ev,.n four of digV plying small card. B 1ms thssjiholoa I n otnN; no spades.of playing the six or giving up tb"king. Taking the more natural defencefirst. Mippose he drops the six.7. leads the are of diamonds so ns :depr,ve It of the power to throw thelead In that suit A small heart follows und II wins the trick with ttvkin?.Now.t n laa1a iuv snade he 111 ,kest .-,the king of spades and the queen ofJ hearts In V.i hand pood for the twinmore trl-ks ;eqiilred bv the terms of B W"rnt rorm of Strategy, Those NA-ggWOOB, N. J.. Nov. ; -The van... ... I who eolVCd all WHir wee: walker Mr- guard of botlJav vlslto:s arrivingthe problem. Nuppoaa h- leads the ace. XU, ,..... ,,. v u.. Port Plain. V. r.. her to-day, and by Thanksgiving thej upon which A discards a small diamond. 1 and It, C. Mankowakl, New York, This! hotel and boarding houses will lie tille.1' Now If he leads two rounds of winning! tln Up t'ae Pst for a fresh start 011! Beginning TVedndy even tig there Willclubs Y can afford to throw away bothhis diamonds, but '.I II leads the nine oflulis so lis t 1 put A In t will shed the. I. V ..IO . w..l , 1...llnmondivinn 01 ipavn ,iou . iwpand n 1-esi tIf B avoids the spade lull nnd makehi two club tri.ks, Y discards both hiadiamonds, just as If I) had led the aceof spades ls-f .re touching the dubs,Tiie same result follows If r. leadstM ,n,allet. of llU two clubs for thethe smaller or in two oium rar iuet'uro trios. nu . m iov, .......tuar.1 to the spade king and dlacaro if. iNo matter what A leads after winning R j ,.; f'.' jrt II ttiuon I'.lwardt h v urt MufrooiteVe P . McOarr "a, . , ... !..i-... , ., v .... . .make a diamond trait and the queen of , rolk , 1. II Vt-iii -Johnheart. V.," , , .'. ,. .TM bM,. J,fail0 for A und B is un- L , f1 " b, ,. , . . ., ... , ',' !' .' ..,,',, 1 . S' llnr;'tm to 'VP "p th Un93r''" "1 olKken." P. J, MoManusOf hearts on the first trick, as that j and A. I. andi. - .1.- ... e... v n,.t.. ,. recti for ihose thai missed7... ... V.. .1. ILn "ittBiuc on in' se.'.ii'. vi iuui in .I..-., iwhich many did In giving tins varia-,"on.ThU compel 7. to hold ins ae ofdiamond nnd lead a small bear;, put-img in Willi ine queen. nowtabliahg a diamond t:k bv leading thei even, which . wins With the are.A club nt this point gives a or B!lle choice of taking the lead, providedi: iias kept two duos, y diaoardlng tha! losing hear: In either event. If A holdI the cluli with Ibe Jnck he mint lose aI diamond, which is all V n. eds to get(the fourth trick, discarding a spadej on th winning heart.i If H w ins the nlub trbk he can makei the nine as well aa the ace, but willhave nothing but spades ' lead afterthat, so Y can discard everything butspades.It is Imperative that 7. Wad the cluband not the heatt ut the fnutrh tfel.Jual as he must lead the heart and nthe duh at the accord trlok. gives up the heart king.wdien II! If 7. leads the third round of hearts I' for the fourth trick A wins with the Ilack and B discard the small rpade.I Now A leads the Jack of clubs and Y :is in u hole, as he does not know whoIs going to lead for tha next trick.I If Y lets go it diamond K ducks the II jack Of clubs and A makes all the raitOf the tricks. If II discards a spadeu overtakes the club with the aand :makes all the rest of the tricks.A club b ad for the second trick willnot solve, even if h nan given up thheart king, as B will make two dubsat once. A discarding a diamond. Nomatter what Y discards he loses twoiwmio ttie doomed man on is forcedpad trlok by being to reed Into the 1inoi on diamondTo the averuge solver it looks nsif i! did not leaner which of the reda.-es 7. starts With, and the majorityof the answers sent in selected the diamond. This will nt solve the problemit l I careful to shed tho king ofheart when 7, leads th ace for thesecond trbk.7. leads another heatt for the thirdtrick and A makes the Jack, then orlater, queen of diamond, and Ra twoclub trlok gnd the ace of spades. Seeingthis, ninny of thoo who sent in thediamond opening, followed hy ooa ofhearts and HV play of the king, madelead the club for the third trick andI dismissed t.he mutter with the rem-arkt'nui Y would diXOard his lealng heartand then it did not matte:- which bandvon the .lull 'rick. "If A wins It YninkiH a heart and a diamond. If IIwins li Y la sine of a heart nnd agpada," is alsiut the way they put it. Ilint tbil Is one of tiie fl ips In the Iproblem. If I) overtakes the ja k of,duos with the ncc nnd leads the nineA can shed a small diamond: hit WhatIs Y to discard'.' If he lets go n spade,ut) three of lis arc good, and II Is inthe lend. If b discards a diamond 1!puts him In with u heart and Y losesthe next three tricks: to A in diamondsand hearts or to B In spades.If Y lo avoid this by discarding flic Wfkalng heart li makes htla. c of spades while he is in nnd thenthrows Y Into the lead with n spade. Adiscarding down to the top heart andthe best diamond, which win the lasti two tricks.Correct solutions from:V. It. Fairfield. Keystone. W, p. wO. If. Boston, Henry Andersen. WalkerUnit art In, I I. "art, Jr.. Prank s.Buiuer, 13. W. White, j. Warren Miller.If. II. fuller. 0. V. Johnson, 1,. V.Tuokcr, D. Parry, It M. Wlilthl and'. V. Morse. All others fell into one orotlir of tho traps.line is another by the earn author,whose composition are always interesting Olid Instructive, showing u theydo horn- many opportunities there arefor picking up tricks that do not appear on the ordbr to get tnea tnckr t theTHE SUN, SUNDAY,card tuble one must be able of courseto Infer the distribution of the numbernnd Important card in each eult, Utltthis Is not by any means a rare accomplishment thec days, many personsbeing side to name the last five or sixcards In any hand with certainty, ana loniplishment made more easy withHie dummy than It Was lit whist,r.itirwir raont.rit no. 0.14By n. (' Mankowskl.IT$4 -vya ! fi n mm- Ura! o' io ci rr 51' Hi wUP 01 io g Io 1tJ !9SJ ltjClubl a:e trumps and 7, l!theload. V and 7. wanl lour tricks nanlnftlI u ii ? serenee.T lie distnlmtioii of the curds isOlJoWlt has toe ace laok e.ght of trumps;qllcr-u of dlaillonds : ntlio lour the ofr. iias nie queen nine of hearts: tenof trumps: ten nine six of diamondsand the aovan of spades.nir. Rowoa 1 ist.On e more the oorapoeera tyiumphover the s dveis. leaving only one survivor, Walker MoMartln of Johnstown,. V. with three itara after his iisuiei Tiie tour problerai se lee tad for thisI Mn.L u I., e...... ,, ... . .. ' " ." "V"' i"",., UM I , .,,1. I, , - ,mIiin ; Miinkowskl. Ther are Wotat:. 341. S4 and 317, each presenting 1o 1, 1' " ' ;MIKCKgg IIOX'OR 1,1 It. .a .' ...1 .. .. " , ' Iarils us mannbar of The Hun Checker INosr.tiiia iusive out f moreI Thi.n ,! !,., , , 1 .S.l. ,1,111Tha UMU. prviOU white .aid.:White cards for solving all icn arobllems : J0M1 liali"-. Fall I!!cr: MUU-I uel Qonotakr, New fork: B. M .Whltlnsvlllc. Ma.lames lfyland,..1 f. Ptnkerton,Poreat vllle, c..nn.', '" '' ' ' '"' ,Pl" or0Conrad Aihcif. ,I, M.Momianv, Tnomoi loy and T watalion.Borqe of the crack missed a greatchance to close up on U s. Hurt. Jr.,who still hold tb. lead m the r.n e.CWBOKM r.r:niMisProblem Mo. IBS, by i,. k Hart, ,Ir.,I wax Intended as iii, illustration Of theI uaefulneax of the repeat move, whi.-hI so few beginner seem to b familiarJ with.j When one player ha a king he can.swing II back and forth between two'or more quars and wait. If his opp...Hent has no king b can do nothingj but advance, and very often the onlyI progr he can make is to get himselfinto trouble, while the -Hinging king onthe oiiier side waits for bUn.The distribution of the pieces in No.. is : Hiacg men onVYhito men on 24li, 11, 1! and:7. 'J and 14 ;'king an tl Whiteto Play and win.that solve In oneHere urn the ibovvariation :White Black.13 IT ts 11721 is 2113 1 3 71131 B 7113411 1 1 i r.1111 i ;i31 -31 i 2:IT 83 .in r:30 3:.I'.ie stule'i'. willthat for sixmsecutlve moves nfter the first i.inldexcliang of pteoe white does nothingto wati, puuik until he gets to theend of it. at square '-1''There are fw minor variation, butlie end Is th .attic, for instance, at"A," black tony go to 6 Instead of to7. to which white replies with ID 3(and than the sumo waiting - wing of theking brings the man Into the net at13 or It. and white gets two for one,Again, at "8," black may play 7 -10,instead of 7 n, then kp -?."i forcesII H3 or in 14. The first Is met byii 33, getting two for one. The secondIs answered by 3 ill, which wins atonce.Black may refuse to move the man on:. playing i 33 Instead, Intending topiny 3v 33 if whit goes after till'-map-but white gets out of the waytlrst by playing J 7--34 nnd 3 1 10,several tolvr got a niu.-ii Shorterso.utiou with a dlff.-rent key move, thus:IS111414 -3:130 ISIt tl91 ioIf a' 'A." himniUCh longer.llID-II-3V11183 s .iIt- 3:1I employed on tba N. w Vork and I'lillily 31 -tl, Ibe play I gdelphla division have beep ptuylng'wins bv ! Checkers by telephone and telegraphduring tho lost three months, Tin y arebkings but whit.B(1 -3132loAta:f black d.iis II 1, thenfor white, ns it gets twoI 33 111 wins' men for onei Correctbillons from :Qeorga M, Lord, Thomas Inglls, An-!drew fheppgrdi Narelk, lldward Mulrooney, James II j land. Wllllani Hron-nenkant. a. t. 0 Ounnar, a tinier a iCampbell, K. a. v., p. j. MoOarry. 0, H, ICorliss, l-'loyd A. Johnson, li. It. i 1T. W. MeMahor., William t. Clarke. 1John Victory, C, M. Huun, J. H. Noremac, ,snmrl liunntsky, A. J. II., JohnRygn, J, J. F. Urong, John Daly, (!, I,.Lynn, John Oragory, ,1. it. Morse, con-rail Alheldt. Thomas Koy, J. V. I'e (Iroff,James fj, I'lnkertun. John T. lldnoti andI : J, ilraf.Here Is a little ending tha' was abandoned as drawn, Some days utlei-ivanthe. player Who bad tho while piecesNOVEMBER 21, 1916.saw that he should have won the game.Can you see It? no. 354 chickkss.Black.White.White to play and win.The distribution of the pieces Is :HU.-k men on , and 7 : king on 20.White men on If and 22: king on 12.ANOTHER MAOIC Syt'AHr.The key to the solution of magicsquares having an odd number of cellsIs now supposed to lie pretty wellknown, at least to reader Of THr 8r.v.but there are a number of ways of misleading the solver in hia attempts todecipher squares of even cells.The difficulty is usually increasedrather than lessened by arranging theUnities in advance but con eallng th inin,, Or Dim rlltnr of lltr 1 I t . in Bvery neat example of this style of 1problem, arranged by Algernon Bray iwhich be submits to read.'is of Tilt:BUN for their amusement Iy si a a iw it m n m tiT OA IT ZA ST ATT TA rt y It TA8L U MJ &9 ti n tt tiTills Is a magic square In whb-h .11lettets denote tlgures, each letter representing tha same figure all the time.The square Is perfect and symmetrical,as will be seen when the solution isfound, es.-h lire adding the same, fromside to side or up and down.p:nPBTfAi. tir.sT.N'oxt week Tiik BON will she someof the explanations of this problem,slil. h many seem to think portends thesolution of the mystry of perpetualmotion.LAKE WOOD SEASON OPENS.t aneeial lam' al tne hotels, m'er-- perse. I With afternoon teas andluncheons at the iog Cabin Tea iious...N'lqxm tin dens ur.d UOOUel 1'i.rm TenHouse.Tim ThankagTting c..f tournament allira Country Club of lakkewood til begini Thursday, to continue three days It is 1 would go down stream in spite of theOpen to all- clubs of the tTnited Btatemoat strenuous efforts and becomeuwi As-oe-atinn, ana tn raguuw greeni . ine of 'th. events of ,1,7. w.'.h.opening of the La4UWdntM-PttThurkday.The opening of the new grill at theLaurel House attracted many membersof the villa colon. Among those whohave entertained there during tha weekare Mr. and lira f'linrle-. Lathrop Pack,Mr. and Mrs Jasper Lynch. Dr. and Mis' I. Mndley r.d Ir. and Mrs. v, i;s. haufber.Another hotel to make its initial bo afor patronage t ti ta week w.a the newVirginia, which will ln conducted byWilliam .1 Caaaeday. The opening dinner danc was held this evening.Among tho No- York arr.vals thi.week w ere :Laurel House- Mr. and Mrs WilliamThaw 3d. Miss Am. a:.. M's Alice It.Tltue, Mr and Mrs. H C. M'S'lur.-. Klnioio WUIetd Mr. and Mrs .1 S I'icker-aon,nak fjoufl Hotel '. If Mustor. H. Wwinters. K Qodfrey, John ft. Tbomaa,Otto Nauen, Mr. and Mrs. w. a. And ergon, Irs. ' l. i bapman and IliaEmma v. Doyle.Bartlatt Inn Mr. and Xfrs B. chr sti.-.Mr. and Mrs J C Wood, I r. and Mrs11 8haJy, Mr and Mrs. I-avid Po, .Mrs.Albert Vandeveeri Jr.1 "aimer blouse Nelson B I to. k. MissC, A. Mullen, Mre. M B. McMugh, MrsA. MelVtO, Mr. Vo.gel. Miss UraMruzie and Mis-s Mary V Tunst'.ll.PVtcnc-fnthaaPinea Miss Johneon,Mi.s Ktta UoVitt, Mr. ar.d Mrs. II HOT-t'.g, Mr. and Mrs. KatTy Philip, Mr andMr". H.I algal.latkasnnod Hotel -Mr and Mrs Tten-amin Ketser, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Ifoach.Mr. and Mrs S. A S. Jacobs.SOCIETY AT ABBEVILLE. N. C. !Asurvit.iE. N. Ci Nov. " TliThanksgiving da no at the flatter;Park thla evening was largely attend,. 1Two event tor Thanksgiving week.ithe tombstone golf tournament nndspecial dinner ut the Aahavtlta CountryClub and '.he diune and special Thanksgiving dinner at OJfnva Park Inn, are (Occupying the attention of socie.ty.The dance at Grov Park Inn will f"t'mally usher iu the winter season, which .promises to be on of the gayett Inyears Miss Ainory St. Amory of London will have charge of the arrange-1nieuts.Among the se'lal activities planted,for the winter season is a "black nndwhite," ball, to be given some tuns before the holidays. A committee con-1sitins of Mrs. (leorge W, Ynderbilt,Mrs. Arthur Kees. Mrs. Alfred Barnard,Mr-. I'liarlea U Minor, Mrs. Tench Cox ,and Mr. Thomas DhooeborOUgh, Is mak-1lug the urrangementsMis. It. P. WtidSWOrth of Washington.Who Is now Git the Inn, gave a dinnerduring th week for h- son, HomestWadaworth, and his friend Harvey Vitrostone.Arthur Murray of castle Home, NewYork, will have .barge of the dancing heie again this season, He Willreturn next week with u ti the latestSteps and ns- musicPLAY CHECKERS BY WIRE.TWO "f the "14JI uigul trick'' Signal1 tower men of the I'ennaylvsnin roadseveral miles apBIH, but that makesno dltTerenoe In their board "niovlea"U'hen they get ready to Indicate I hem.Iloth hive board with the squuresnumbered und the moves of one areMashed to the other between times,whan wir.-s are not In use for inroad business. Bach move I prefacedwith u cod word, o thai the llguieannounced can have no possible slgninuanoa thai could connect them withtrain movenifiits.tiid playing began during t ic 1 turner just to relieve tit todiuni of tonight tour. As tile players begumsmora proflctfil thay '.".liL-hi standuidworka on draughts each ut first onknown to the oilier and now theyfeel that the. play like chump "lis.They do a groat deal ol studying,. llll 1a gome a night, between utliriWire work, ia then avai'tigg.DRTVJJTG A BZED OF GEESE.TO drive a 'herd of rJttlo aeventymiles to market la a comparatively easy thing ff ono hnsn few good eheep dogs and a friend ortwo to help.To drive nine htinnYed1...'I.... .. I . .. lu.l-mm I iii.ii i , i i r.jiin i n iiiiimore skill and patience esiieclnlly pu-Right miles a day is a good drive,for simply mfuse to lie Towed.The driver of MM flock In Kentucky,starting out from his home In Breathitt county onco famous Tor lte fcude- -Trad a fern- more than nlno hundredgeese, raised by himself nnd hie neighlawn. First the goeee were rotinded upIn a pasture, nnd then began the drive.The gate was flung open nnd threehoys stationed to seo that the flockturned in the right direction on reaching the rond. Two men. MvtM Of theflock, then took charge, a good sheepdog helping them.It's the nature of n, goose to go Inany direction but the right one. Theywill leave the road at every opportunity, and for thnt reason the owner oftho flock took bl two hoys alone withhim, tlM boys keeping abend of theI'It am) standing at every crossroadto sec that the birds kept golnir in theright dins lion.There Is no need of any kind of sBna'ling device to notify people thatthe flock of geese is coming. Thegeese attend to that themselves. Kveryone of tho nlno hundred hinds, fjt everyitcp of the way. lets out .1 shrill quackquack. They can In- hoard for a longdistance, tine lone goose can makeplenty of nolsn. aa every one knowswho has tried to get an afternoon napWilli u goose prowling around. rTUltune hundred of them bun lied together nnd all quacking nt once laenough to wake the deafest man.llchinil the flock fo'loww the owner'snnilnilance. It is a farm Wfagon with aslatted coop. 1 aice in p while a gooewill play out and it is pickax up an.ltaken tho remainder of the distance inthe ambulance. Its bend stuck throughthe slats of the coop and quackinglusttly. The only goose that can'tquack is 11 dead goose. tr at leastthe goose tliat can't I'l.o-k I as ..,.!ae deadWiuf'ti roads in Kent ickv frequently.11,. .i. i. ..." .,11,, ,...,-.. .11.,. ,u,- , L-i-nn. in,, ITIS IIbottom for the time becoming theroadway. Water will be from one inehto tw.. feet in depth. Reaching theaepCaCe the gaegej Will stoptheir march marketward ami go tonsaoiiu- Then mch ,.rr...t is r,.,.4-.ito get th-ni to renew the journey.Tins tlock was held up two daysbv high water in ono creek, Bridgesare scarce In eastern Kentucky nndWhere roads cross credv and smallerr!vers there ie nothing for it but toford the stream. There had been aIq-avy tsln further up In the ninunta:ns and the creek had risen fromeight im hew to three feet and wasruahlBi madly, i,et the nin hundredi geeee loose In such a torrent and thhopelessly scatteredriu re was notli -'" '1" 't herd the Mock in aarti until the water had none down.Bvory night the owner ..f the fl... kstopped, generally finding a friend whopermitted him t.. drivethe flock Intoa bam for the night.Warship of the FutureLessons of the present war may result in the adoptionof entirely new types. It's a subject in which Uncle Samis particularly interested just now. Photographs of fightingvessels in European waters and a discussion by an expertIn The Sun Next SundayLife Among the Pygmies in AfricaHerbert Lang, who spent six yearsin the Belgian Congo for the Amencan Museum of Natural History,gives an interesting illustrated description.War's Effect on Artin AmericaPainters and sculptors, back fromEurope, discuss a much mootedquestion.Peter Stuyvesant, ScholarA Dutch artist portrays him as a man of refinement, not the ruggrcharacter New York's historians have pictured.YET OTHER FEATURESIn Next Sunday's SUN will be costumes for the Outdoor Winter Girl;Thrilling Pictures of the Great War; Scenes from Theatrical Successes.rder Next Sunday's SUN To-dayncluding the Pictorial MagazineDR. BARUCH PRAISES DOCTORWHO LET DOOMED BABY DIEJ roiiffnierf from Tlref n more sane and eqliltnble treat-I ,i..,it r.e .1... ..u nrnris nn inil oriii v. .hi ......their constltuonidcs."1. . ,A Social yuoetion."If Dr. llalselden waa correct in hisdiagnosis of tho Bollinger baby, thenI am quite In sympathy with the standho took." eald John A. Kingsbury,Commissioner of the Department ofPublic Charities."In my work in connection with thinparticular department tif til city'sadministration I huvo hud to knowof many cases similar in a way to thntof tho Infant that lias provoked allof thla recent discussion. 1 have feltstrongly thut little ones of thla aortwere Isetter out of the world than InIt, but I nni free to say I hhve nothingto offer In the way of a public solution of the problem."Kach case has lis individual factors, and no MM law would suflb c for11 rule of conduct. 1 do feel, however, that no conscientious physicianshould be saddled nlone with the responsibility of deciding whether awofully abn.rmal child should behelped to live or be left to die agreeably to nature's manifest Intent."So, I do not believe that a boardor commission of any sort would bothe answer to this social puxxtc, for,after nil. the question Is fundament -ullya social one. nnd it Is not for aconimltteo of physicians or lawyersto dispose of It. It more IntimatelyConcern the home first and the genml public next ; and the parent mustinevitably be the real arbiters."This department hast to do intimately with those classes of our citizens that nrc most sorely pressod forthe needful thing of life, atid yetamong these desperately straitenedpeople It is the exception when youlind the mother of nn infant Indifferent to the well bring of her Immediate charge The little ones maybo sorry specimens of humankind:they may be detormeu; tne may oeveii repulsive to others, but to IBUniothet they appeal nevcrtiiciess. am.. e .1"lp ",,'r, "gK.stot. .,f parting withI ,wr oftepring the mother rebels; theI maternal impulse is al onoa arouseiiK rP;,,lj l" n,ilk" iUiy "ac"HUeo to keep tha nttia one"With this so thoroughly an Instinct.tinmother is primarily the one mostconcerned aooui tm- rat ..i ner cniKi.and I think We have In this fact apossible way to ipeet sltuatlona ofth s sort in n rational manner ana ina fashion flint wdll best serve society iat large and the maintenance of pah- Ilitmorals."It la a singular fact, but true Justtho same, thut in the cases of thefecblo minded in the city's care, wherethe mothers are alive, the latter art?particularly solicitous of their weaklings, and if permitted by ti e rules' of the institutions these parents wouldgo daily to sec them. I BBtpnaginothla In order that It may be clear thatthese unfortunates seem to cuP forthnioro of the maternal devotion thannormal children"Tills Is not a digression from the,The HolyTaken topoint (tt Issue. I am only trving f;hulld a proper basin for t laaat ooawny of meetlns cases like that taOlieSllon. I tie levo t nil t i ...... . .,- .....w .... i , nisano nun EBsmwry pi etiun wonuI tie ror the parents und the Bttendtmj physician to decide the late nt Majiiitie one always agoumlng tha. tZture Intent tion making the tn.fant'a days brief und that the selCMOf medicine or eurgciy nlon.. eotiijchange tht.I "Tho doctor should thorounhlyplalu tha conditions to the parentjand aa between father and mother thfweight of decision should rest upon ttlatter. If the choice Is to lei natur1 prevail, then I urn reas.-rubh sti.fled that tho best Interests ol all cos.I earned would thus lie served.Just aa Justice should b temper!by mercy so should tho science cf ttthealing art be willing to tori-,, ,t ulfr(physical triumph and consider the pos.sihlo aftermath of a bllghteq filMMexistence indeed more Mtfns thanhuman. It Is only when W at,'aggregation of these unfortunatecreature that we renlUe perhaps WbHDTi Halaeldnn had tn mind Vn hecourageously refrained from Using titknife that might possibly have mnitho Bollinger baby's days longer."How mAny dwellers In tVs cwhave ever Journeyed to ntid.t'ir.sand? Keiatively ftw, and really thtsight la not a cheerful one. We ha-there 2,000 feeble minded, nnd eonvof Utese are distressing cases; indeA.thia lianlly expresses 't. Inwhole ward tho poor creatures rfquite Incapable of helping th emails' atthey have to be dressed and fed lltbhelpleea infants. Tliere are orthAt are deformed and utterly dessv,:of any human IfWUnotB,"I don't want to dwell upor. thendetails, but I lo want to amphaiitiwhat haa beep pOfalMy av..tded k,letting that child in Chicngo djrjrst, the nuothar will undotrbtedly Vhappier; the other norma'. I'lilMraiof that family will not 1 i nrtfail:1 impressed, perhaps. b thai linforhthfrt) no chance now cf 1,,1 pfaflt bOOOminff public charge. Jcertainly society is the gaJner, TN -Iknot a Srtan view of the maHMit Is a thoroughly humane one alook at it .with the tacts my dUbno sal."I am keenly alive to the ,;Mi crs goffering a creneral tenicilv a Una n'( ,,orKlm,t ,hnt Rha h uniform. Keithdo x naUaira that board of appeal e(anv vriTt wnulll bo (r material aid be.rau. the organirAt :oi, of such a !t-. ,,.., resent manv practical"Oti the other band it do' eir1that the wise anil fwputoble physiclgdcooperating with the parenta, shoutbe the best adviser, and thut the tiltmate decision, nfter he Ins pragestOthe case with full professional kr. 'rledge, should rest with Ihe pop tiptho desire of the mother prevulllBfThis brood question should not b1 avadod. Pubtk) discussion stliencouraged, and after all the geemlnsl!untimely end of that poor child in d!cago may be the means of .lo ng iworld of good. This I eugenics ;n tnI concrete."Quaint Doorways ofOld SalemA fine series of pictures depictincvarious types of pure colonial finishings in attractive early New Enp,land homes. With descriptive n:tide.CarpetMeccaAnnual pilgrimage from Cair ois of extraordinary interest thisyear. 2ff7e9595c

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